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Old 12-30-2010, 07:36 AM   #18
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by likwid View Post
Really? Liberalism is to blame?

"No one testified against Cinelli."

Where were you?

How about instead of blaming people, ask why he was given life with possibility of parole?

Here's the parole board: Parole Board Members

I expect a full report from you after contacting each of them on how they came to their decision.

I doubt you want to read through who all is on the parole board so let me c/p for you to save the effort. Tell me who the liberals are?

Mark A. Conrad was appointed as Chairman of the Massachusetts Parole Board by Governor Deval Patrick in 2008. Prior to this appointment, Mark served as a Massachusetts Parole Board Member, and was a police officer for the Milton Police Department for almost two decades

Thomas Merigan was appointed to the Massachusetts Parole Board in 2004. Before becoming a Board Member, Mr. Merigan was a supervisor at the United States Probation Office where he worked for more than 20 years.

Candace Kochin was appointed to the Parole Board in 2004. Ms. Kochin worked for the Hampshire County Sheriff’s Office as the Director of Treatment and Assistant Deputy Superintendent. Throughout her career she has also worked as a Superior Court Probation Officer with Hampshire Superior Court Probation, a Victim/Witness Advocate with the Northwestern District Attorney, and an Administrative Assistant in the Northampton District Court.

Pamela Lombardini became a Parole Board member in January 2007. She was a United States Probation Officer for over fifteen years and worked as a probation officer in Essex County.

Leticia Muñoz was appointed to the Parole Board in 2008. She is a licensed clinical psychologist with extensive experience in community mental health settings. Prior to joining the Board, Dr. Muñoz was the Clinical Director at Brightside School Street Counseling Institute in Springfield, Massachusetts. She provided services to an urban low-income client population diagnosed with a broad range of psychiatric disorders.

Roger Michel was appointed to the Parole Board in 2009. He has been a lawyer in Massachusetts, specializing in criminal law, for more than two decades. Before joining the Board, Mr. Michel was Senior Staff Attorney at the Massachusetts Appeals Court, where he worked for seventeen years. Mr. Michel also served as an Assistant District Attorney in the Suffolk District and worked in private practice at Hill & Barlow.

Cesar Archilla was appointed to the Parole Board in 2009. Mr. Archilla has practiced as an attorney since 1999, working in both state and private practice. Attorney Archilla served for over six years in the Essex County District Attorney's Office, working as an Assistant District Attorney, a Supervising Assistant District Attorney in the Peabody District Court and as a Jury Session Supervising District Attorney in the Salem District court.

Huh, wow.
All seemed to have made a career prior to this of putting people IN JAIL?
All but one!

Must all be liberals.
Likwid, pointing out people's careers tells me NOTHING about their political beliefs, unless they worked for the ACLU or the NRA.

Likwid, do you really feel that there is no difference between the liberal view toward crime and the conservative view?
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