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Old 12-30-2010, 09:12 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
Likwid, I read your post again, and it looks to me like one out of the seven was a cop. Does 1 constitute "most" of 7 to you?

I don't care if they were all former cops. I know plenty of cops who are liberals. Occupation is irrelevent. What's pertinent to this situation is the generalization (we can debate whether or not it's accurate) that liberals are more inclined to give these repeat offenders a second chance because they are not responsible for their actions.
Their previous occupation has EVERYTHING to do with their current job no matter HOW much you want to scream and cry it doesn't and want to spin it pissing and moaning that its all the "liberal's" fault.

They are a group of people who should have known better, but let him out anyhow. Why? No clue, can't see the minutes of the parole hearing and what WAS published is nothing but hearsay and speculation.

One of the pillars of liberalism is that people who make mistakes (as long as they are anointed with "victim" status) should not be held accountable for their actions.

You had unprotected sex? Don't worry, just get an abortion.

You chose not to do any homwework in high school? Don't worry, those that work will provide you with welfare.

Can't find a job in 99 weeks? Don't worry, those that are killing themselves to stay employed will give you more of their money.

You bought a $700,000 house even though you make $40,000 a year? Don't worry, we'll tell the bank to lower the amount of your mortgage and your interest rate so that you can afford it. Meanwhile, those playing by the rules still struggle.

You don't want to work hard? Don't worry, elect liberals, and we'll give you a public sector union job with lifetime job protection and insane benefits.

You shot somebody while committing a crime? Well, as long as you claim that mommy was hard on you, it's not your fault, so we'll give you another chance.
More adderall.

What's tired and pathetic is your attempt at spin.
Spin? Unlike you, I hold people accountable, not "ideals".

Ski Quicks Hole
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