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Old 12-30-2010, 09:19 AM   #25
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by likwid View Post
Their previous occupation has EVERYTHING to do with their current job no matter HOW much you want to scream and cry it doesn't and want to spin it pissing and moaning that its all the "liberal's" fault.

They are a group of people who should have known better, but let him out anyhow. Why? No clue, can't see the minutes of the parole hearing and what WAS published is nothing but hearsay and speculation.

More adderall.

Spin? Unlike you, I hold people accountable, not "ideals".
Likwid, you claimed that ONE is most of SEVEN, and when I called you on that, you dodged.

Why does previous occupation have everything to do with it? I saw one cop, a bunch of probation officers (and probation officers know that the more criminals that are out on probation, the more job security they have), 2 district attorneys, and a criminologist. So what?
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