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Old 12-30-2010, 10:27 AM   #6
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by likwid View Post
Their previous roles give them a much better view of criminals and the system than you or anyone else. They should be able to make educated decisions in a parole hearing better than damn near anyone else and not let emotions (stop sniffling and crying) get in the way.

Great, I'm sure that the previous work experience of the parole board will be of significant comfort to the family of the slain police officer.

Obviously, deciding who gets paroled and who doesn't is an inexact science, and unfortunately, mistakes will be made. As a society, I think (just my opinion) we should decide that if a mistake will be made, it's better to err on the side of public safety and keep these guys locked up.

Here in CT, we are in the middle of a home invasion trial for one of the most horrific crimes in the history of the country, a mother and 2 daughters were raped and burned to death by 2 career criminals who were out on parole. In my opinion likwid, the conservative view on crime is tougher on criminals than the liberal view, and I think it's time we lean more in the conservative direction on this issue.

However, even conservatives will let some criminals out on parole, and some of those guys will go on to hurt other people. I'm not saying conservatives would be flawless in this process. I'm saying the conservative approach would result in fewer innocent people being hurt.
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