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Old 01-05-2011, 09:12 AM   #1
Jim in CT
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Is Pelosi a liar or a lunatic?

In her last press conference as speaker of the house, Nancy Pelosi said this...

"Deficit reduction has been a high priority for us. It is our mantra, pay-as-you-go. Unfortunately, that will be changed now. "

Deficit reduction has been the mantra of this Congress? During her 4 years as speaker, the federal deficit increased by $5 trillion. She added FOUR BILLION DOLLARS A DAY to the deficit, and then she stands there with a straight face and says that deficit reduction was her mantra?

She is either a liar, or she is a lunatic. There is no third option. This woman keeps getting elected every 2 years, and at one point was third in line for the presidency. This is one of the leaders of the liberal movement.

Yep, those liberal Democrats are very fiscally responsible. Next, they'll claim to be the champions of the unborn...

How will Spence come to her rescue, I wonder?
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