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Old 01-10-2011, 09:37 AM   #10
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
hey Jim...if they say it , it's "sarcasm"...if you say's "hate speech"...see how it works?
Yes, that's precisely how it works, and they genuinely don't see anything wrong with it. Hence the mental disorder thing...

For God's sake, the investigating sheriff in Arizona (who you will be shocked to learn is a Democrat) said on Foxnews Sunday that right-wing hate speech incites this kind of violence. Of course, when the host asked him what evidence there was that this kook was inspired by right-wing propoganda, the guy said it's just his opinion.

I remember during the town hall meetings on healthcare, the labor unions sent goons to make sure that folks didn't get the chance to speak against Obamacare. I didn't see the lefties protesting that.

We all saw footage of the black panthers in Philadelphia standing outside voting booths in military clothes and holding clubs. The Democrats had nothing to say about that.

Allen Grayson (former Democratic congressman from Florida) caled his opponent "Taliban Dan", and only Foxnews spoke against it.

MSNBC claims that Foxnews condones "hate speech", and then calls millions of Americans "tea baggers". No one on the left sees any hypocrisy there. Fortunately, only 14 or 15 people watch it.

Yet when Sarah Palin uses the common political expression "battleground states", the left starts shrieking about hate speech designed to incite violence.
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