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Old 01-10-2011, 01:32 PM   #30
Jim in CT
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Johnny D-

"Just like how everyone that doesn't agree exactly with your political ideology is a liberal moron with a mental disease."

Please try to hold me accountable for what I actually say, not your interpretation of what I say. On many posts here, I have stated my position and said "reasonable people can disagree", so I don't besmirch everyone who doesn't agree with me on every issue. There are certain parts of liberal ideology that I do believe you have to have a screw loose to support (the notion that there's no such thing as too much spending, the notion that murderers have the right to live but not unborn babies, the notion that conservative economics caused the subprime mortgage crisis...)

"And I have seen the righty pro-lifers argue that all life is sacred while also supporting capital punishment. It's hypocritical."

First, I do not support capital punishment. However, there is NOTHING hypocritical about being against abortion and pro death penalty. An unborn baby is, by definition, innocent of any wrongdoing. Osama Bin Laden is not. In my opinion, there is a strong case to be made that killing Bin Laden is not morally equivalent to killing an unborn baby. If you cannot see a difference between an unborn baby and Osama Bin Laden, I cannot discuss anything with you.

What's completely absurd, totally devoid of any logic, is the liberal notion that it's OK to kill unborn babies, but wrong to kill a mass-murderer. That is an unsupportable position, it has no rational thought behind it. In any event, how many executions take place in this country? One a week? We slaughter 4,000 babies a day. Just to give you some perspective.

"75% of your posts are rants "

I support almost everything I say, with the logic behind my conclusions.

"filled with insults, negativity "

I plea guilty to that one...I have no more patience for folks, for example, who want to blame conservative ideology for what happened in Arizona. Anyone who would suggest that, deserves to be insulted. And at least, while I insult those, I explain why their position is absurd (as you attempted to do, although poorly IMHO)

As for the Pelosi thread, if she wasn't crazy for saying what she said, and she wasn't lying, then how do you explain what she said? In my opinion, the only 2 possibilities are that she's crazy or a liar. If there is an additional possibility, please enlighten me.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 01-10-2011 at 01:41 PM..
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