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Old 01-11-2011, 11:33 AM   #26
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by fishpoopoo View Post
Revenues are down, and at the same time the cost to pay into pensions and post-retirement healthcare plans is spiking. Unfortunately, since the states can't print money to pay their bills like the U.S. gov't can, states have to cut expenses.

You will likely see, especially this year, an acceleration in state and local layoffs and even benefit curtailments.

Unfortunately, that's just how the math is working out.
"states have to cut expenses"

Here in CT, there have been no signicant cuts (maybe this year). I don't know that state spending has ever decreased from year to year. Our elected officials have decided to "fix" the problem by raising taxes, because God forbid someone have the guts to stand up to the unions and be honest. I wonder if our politicians are literally unaware that there are 2 ways to addess this problem, one being that you cut spending. The other, raising taxes, that they're well aware of...
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