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Old 01-12-2011, 09:06 PM   #115
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
"Wings aren't healthy either, maybe you should vote to ban those too."Apples and oranges. If I die from eating wings, I'm not taking out a room full of kids."Do you honest think banning alcohol would make things better? Didn't seem to work during prohibition........"Again, apples and oranges. Before prohibition, not every family owned 2 cars, so there weren't nearly as many deaths from drunk driving. Instead of asking these meaningless "gotcha" questions, how about answering one of my own? Do you really think, if we banned alcohol, that more people would be killed from illegal booze trade, then are saved by lack of drunk drivers? Do you really believe that?"It's not the gun, its the idiot who is killing people"Once again, you regurgitate the NRA line without answering the question I'm asking. You are right, guns are an inanimate object, and can't hurt people on their own. However, don't extended magazines and assault rifles make it EASIER to kill MORE people? Can one of you please answer that simple question? Am I going too fast for you?If automatic weapons and extended magazines don't make it easier to kill more people, I wonder why this guy didn't bring a muzzle loader to trhe Safeway.
“Instead of asking these meaningless "gotcha" questions, how about answering one of my own? Do you really think, if we banned alcohol, that more people would be killed from illegal booze trade, then are saved by lack of drunk drivers? Do you really believe that?”

If we banned alcohol, Yes, I would agree that it would most likely reduce the amount of people killed from illegal booze. I’m in agreement with you but I don’t believe based off that that it should be banned. You have to look at the whole picture. In your argument, it sounds like you are saying that Alcohol is the common denominator and if it was removed from society the number of drunk driving accidents would be reduced (I agree). Distracted drivers (cell phone use/texting) is the number one cause of auto accidents in the US followed by speeding, DUI is third. So, if we make all possession and use of alcohol (even in a private home) illegal, we reduce the third leading cause of auto accident which reduces the number of deaths. Based off of that theory we should also make all possession and use of all cell phones (even in a private home) illegal. That would reduce the number one cause of auto accident since nobody would ever be in the situation of texting while driving. Again, base off that theory, the government should require all auto manufacturers to add governors to cars so they have a maximum speed limit. That would eliminate the number 2 cause of auto accidents, speeding. It’s not that I disagree with you, I just don’t think a very small number of the population’s actions should change the very large number of law abiding citizens.

“Once again, you regurgitate the NRA line without answering the question I'm asking. “

I’m not regurgitating anything. Those are my own thoughts and it’s how I personally feel. I’m not a member of the NRA and do not own a gun but feel strongly that that right shouldn’t be taken from me.

"You are right, guns are an inanimate object, and can't hurt people on their own. However, don't extended magazines and assault rifles make it EASIER to kill MORE people?"

Yea, they do. I never said they didn’t. I’m still not sure they should be banned completely. I have a friend (retired cop) that fishes Alaska every other year and gets dropped in the wilderness by a bush plane and fishes for a week before they come to pick him up. He brings an extended magazine pistol as well as a 50 caliber to protect himself from an attacking bear. Why should his right be taken away? I’d be interested to know what the percentage is of people that own these things that commit a crime with them. I honestly don’t know the answer. If it’s very high, maybe you have a point, if is very low then the law abiding citizens should not be stripped of the right to own. (again, these are my own thoughts, not “regurgitation”)

"Am I going too fast for you?"

No, not at all but thanks for your concern. That’s a kind of question that brings no value at all to your points. It’s counterproductive and comes across as elitist IMO. Why degrade your posts with that?

"If automatic weapons and extended magazines don't make it easier to kill more people, I wonder why this guy didn't bring a muzzle loader to Safeway."

I never said it doesn’t make it easier. But he could have hurt even more people if he drove a car straight through the crowd. We are normal level thinking people and can’t understand what went this lunatic’s head.

"I know a taxidermy man back home. He gonna have a heart attack when he see what I brung him!"
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