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Old 01-18-2011, 12:49 PM   #85
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
"We'll say joe bob's property taxes were 1500, and in 6 years went up to 3000.
If he can't afford that, there's something wrong with him. Not the town."

Likwid, if Joebob isn't as fortunate as me, he might work for a company that is freezing raises. On top of that, everyone's medical insurance costs more. So if Joebob is forced to live with less, why do unionized employees always, always get more.
Poor joe,he should be worrying about himself, not what unions are doing. Maybe joe should have started looking for a new job! But hey, if joe just wants to sit in the same place, complain and whine about how horrible the world is to him, whatever, his problem, not anyone else's.

As I said likwid, I am fortunate enough to be able to pay whatever they want to tax me, my kids are still fine. But please re-read the question at the title of this thread. If teachers, cops, etc switched to 401(k)'s, property taxes could be reduced significantly. Instead of calling me a crybaby, how about answering the first question I asked...why can't teachers and cops live with 401(k)'s like the rest of us? What is the reason? Anyone?
Why should they?

In my town, the first education proposed budget for this year called for a 4% increase in spending over last year, and the teachers union is talking about all the sacrifices they made to keep the increase at 4% (still keeping their pensions, naturally).
Please itemize the 4% here for us. Thanks.

The amount teachers receive ought to be proportional to the amount that the public has available to give them. And collectively, we don't have 4% more than last year, we have less. But their budgets never, ever, ever decrease.
How many kids did the school's population increase by?

Finally likwid, how come you never address my repeated point about current debt levels. If what we pay these parasites isn't excessive, why are so many municipalities in so much debt, that their bond ratings are being downgraded? If CT takes in enormous tax ravenue, plus gazillions from the casinos, and we still have the highest debt (per citizen) in the country, doesn't that necessarily mean we spent recklessly?
We all know CT is screwed, has been screwed, will always be screwed. For the amount of time you spend complaining about it, maybe its time to move to somewhere better? I've done it. You can too!

You like to make fun of Joebob, Likwid. But he knows something that you (and certainly teachers unions) have not figured out yet...whatever you have, you need to spend less.
Joebob was never made fun of, just his own hypocrisy pointed out. Maybe he should stop complaining, stand up, and do something for himself for once instead of complaining about others?

And I believe, I have a leg up on Joebob, I live within my means.

I'd be really careful how much you complain about unions around here, a large portion of the members are union.

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