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Old 02-08-2011, 06:08 AM   #30
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by TheSpecialist View Post
There in lies the problem, salaried should equal 40 hours no more , no less.
Specialist, do you know what would happen if if all non-union workers in the private sector got paid overtime for every hour over 40 hours a week? Everything you buy, everything, would cost 25% more. Would that make you better off, or worse off?

Now, let's say that everyone in the private sector also had those insane healthcare and retirement benefits that union employees get. Tack on another 30% to the cost of everyhting you buy.

Are you getting it now? The reason that the private sector can't operate that way, is that no one would voluntarily buy anything that we produced.

Public unionized empmloyees are the only ones who can get away with that, because they use rule of law to FORCE their customers to absorb those costs.

I keep asking this question, and no one will answer. "Why is it fair for public employees to force upon their customers (taxpayers) costs which no one would voluntarily pay for in the private sector?"

That's a fair question, and I am a reasonable guy. If there is a good answer to that question, please share it, and you'll convince me.
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