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Old 02-17-2011, 08:39 PM   #8
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by JohnnyD View Post
The dems are doing what their voter-base wants.

The best line I heard from this:
Union Person: We're going to have our voices heard come the next election. These officials will be put out of office because of this.
The Republican Response: We feel as though the voters got their point across on November 2 when they elected us to fix these problems because the Democrats weren't.

We've gotten into many long threads about the Unions. I'll be very interested in what comes from this. Wisconsin isn't the only place that this is happening - New York, New Jersey and a few others are putting together similar actions, with some Democratic support in many of those cases.
Another thing Johnny? I know you have the respect of many here (including me), and I know you own your own business. If your employees got together and said "Johnny, we demand that you give us pensions for life, and we're only willing to pay 0.2% of the cost, so you pay the other 99.8%. We also want health insurance, wnd we're only willing to pay 6% of the cost, so you pay the other 94%">

Could you absorb that cost? Would you be able to pass that cost onto your customers? I didn't catch what type of business you own, so maybe it's not applicable to you, but I'm curious...
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