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Old 02-21-2011, 01:08 PM   #84
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND View Post
Fair enough. I like politifact as a source.

So, for this year, it doesn't matter.

Next year, if and when the Gov proposes another 185mil in teacher/police/fire cuts, then the point might be valid.
But isn't there at least a possibility that those tax cuts will be stimulative? What I mean is, just because corporate tax rates are cut, does not mean that corporate tax dollars collected will decrease. If you cut the corporate tax rate by x%, but corporate profits grow by more than X%, then tax dollars collected will be higher, even though the rate is lower.

Put another way. If I own a Honda dealership, would I be correct in assuming that if I charge $1 zillion for a Honda Accord, I'll be rich? No, because I won't sell any. Because there is something called the "demand" curve, which despite what liberals hold so dear, is not a flat line. Demand moves inversely with price. I don't think liberals understand this, which is why they see no ramifications with perpetual tax increases. The problem with that is, like the guy charging $1 zillion for an Accord, eventually, you stifle demand...

Walker cuts the corporate tax rate, maybe some corporations move to Wisconsin from states with higher tax rates...
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