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Old 02-22-2011, 09:02 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by BigFish View Post
Having never made any lips by hand, other than the trial by fire advice Mokes I can't offer any other insight other than I think you are correct on the width and length comments. When I size a plug for a particular lip I generally do not want the lip to be much wider than the widest part of the body. That being said the pics of your plugs look right on par! Go swim one and let us know how you make out!
I'm trapped in a frozen tundra now. Bill Couch is getting one and another kid is getting the other. He was asking for one a couple months back. They know these are pretty protoish.

I've taken 2 for swims last fall, but those were the 1st 2. These are my 2nd. I'm wicked slow building these, lol. Bill said he can get his in the water the weekend if I can get it there in time. I'm sure he'll report back and be honest.

I'm going to try and make a better template to cut lips. Right now, all I use is a little piece of paper for it.

I need to make one for me next so I can test it in current. Haven't been to the Canal all winter though. My whole thought with these is to make a smaller swimmer for when the tiny bait is around.
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