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Old 02-24-2011, 06:00 PM   #16
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Fly Rod View Post
"I owned a very successful business in the building and remodeling field, thirty five years 1972-2007"

So when the real estate market imploded in 1991-1993, didn't you have to react somehow? I know many real estate folks had to tighten their belts then, in response to a brutal market. That's what businesses do.

You are a dweller, you like to carry on and on and on.

Apparently you did not read through the third paragraph.

You're right, I missed that part. I know all about that recession. OK, you said you laid off all but 2 employees when things were slow. So why can't I do the same thing with MY employees, which are the public workers? My salary is a bit less than it was 3 years ago, so why can't I do what you did, and tell my employees (teachers/cops) that they need to feel the pain, too? Every economist I have ever geard has said that this recession is worse than the one in 1991. So why can't I ask my employees (cops and teachers) to make the same kinds of sactrifices you asked your employees to make? Can't wait to hear your answer to that one.

Geez, you just don't get it. What I'm saying is, I should have the same authority to do what you did when times were tough. If you had to retain all of your employees, and give them a COLA raise every year (which YOU said they were entitled to), you might not have been able to bounce back.

you're saying that even though YOU allowed yourself to take necessary, drastic actions when times were tough, that public employees should be immune from such market forces. I'd love to know why you think that.

And as property taxes go through the roof, and as state governments tax and regulate businesses more and more, and as iberals talk more and more about how evil "wealth" is, it gets a lot harder for the next generation (me) to enjoy the same awesome success you had.

FlyRod, the financial crisis staring all of us in the face (which my generation did not cause, but we will sure feel the brunt of fixing) is every bit as bad as the crisis you dealt with in the 1990's, when you laid off most of your folks. How would you have reacted if your staff said "no, you can't lay any of us off. On top of that, we want small raises, and we want fat pensions and cheap healthcare. And we aren't working one second more than 40 hours per week. And FlyRod, if you have to get a second job, or sell your house, to meet these demands, that's OK with us". FlyRod, if a politician sided with your employees and put all that into a law that you had to live with, I bet you wouldn't like it. But that's precisely what these unions are doing to all of us.

Go ahead, tell me where I'm wrong, please.

And I pray you feel better!!

Last edited by Jim in CT; 02-24-2011 at 07:15 PM..
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