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Old 03-10-2011, 10:49 AM   #10
sick of bluefish
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Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
Let's hear it Jimmy... so you are a fan of omega protein type government?

I see it all the time, people state that the governement is a bunch of pawns for big business, its all corrupt, yet, we have TONS of laws and oversight which dont allow companies to dontate large sums of money to politicans. things are so freaking regulated AND you have both lib and conservatives looking to hang each other at a moments why no corruption lawsuits? Why no big watergate like scandals?

Why ? Cause its the age old fight against "the man". Victims (ie, liberals) view big business as evil. I guess they dont get it that its evil big business that heats their homes, that its evil big business that provides the coffee for their non-fat lattes and more impirtantly its evil big pharmaceutical companies that developed aids vaccines. I recently read an interesting item - all the celebrity aids events, the massive aids quilts and all the aids benefit marches didnt save the life of one aids patient........big, evil pharmceutical companies did. Imagine that?

Im tired of being raped for taxes, tired of being told I dont pay enough. You havent been out here (political forum) long and I've shared this info before - my wife came to this country dirt poor, english second language, lived in the MOST expensive city in America. Her Dad died a year after they got here. Her and her 2 brothers worked day jobs and put themselves through college. All 3 of them are extremely successful. Why? THEY WORKED! They're not WHITE! How come the MAN didnt slap them down? How come evil big business didnt take her life savings away? Hmm?
I think its the mentaility of teh tea party will save this country. But dont worry, libs are doing everything they can to paint it as racist and dumb. Keep taxing me more and more and yet the people who pay the most taxes no longer have a majority vote and of course the needy will vote to tax me more. You want this for your country??

I'll challenge you ZIMMY, lets divide the country. I'll take all the evil big business and all the tea party people. You take all the libs and the hollywood set. You'll have riots and starvation in a few weeks. I'll have a succesful, booming economy and will then hire your people to come work for me.

making a kinder, gentler place for all
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