The Classifieds forum here at S-B is a free service to our members (though donations greatly appreciated
). And seeing that membership is FREE, this essentially becomes a Free Classified Forum (hint: though donations greatly appreciated
- see below ).
My only requests:
Please conduct yourselves in a honorable manner!! While S-B is not responsible for scams and bad transactions, we encourage quality transactions.
Participate in the forums! To
sell in the classifieds you will need a minimum of 30 posts to list an item to sell. Posts in the classifieds do not count. We are a community, we survive by people like you participating in out community.
If you sell something, throw some money into the tip jar every now and then. Sell something big? toss in something a little bigger - do what's fair
Donations can be submitted with PayPal here:
Striped-Bass Fishing | Support S-B donations and advertisers
Or Participate in one of our fund raisers
Or give to one of our veterans drives / fund raisers (we'll have one soon)