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Old 04-14-2011, 07:42 AM   #10
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by JohnnyD View Post
Close corporate tax loopholes, reduce defense spending, reform social programs.
What he said...

Here in CT, our governor recently announced a plan to build a 9.5 mile busway into downtown Hartford, along an abandoned railway. So the plan is to rip up 9.5 miles of rail track, pave a road, and buy a few commuter buses. The cost...wait for it...$570 million.

Honest to God, $570 million to pave 9.5 miles of road. I called the governor's office and asked how it could possibly cost $60 million per mile to pave a road, and I got no answer. Maybe they are paving the road with Fabrege' eggs and hope diamonds. I told them that I'd be willing to do it for half that much, and still have enough profit left over to buy Australia if I wanted...

It's this type of insane, crazy waste we need to get rid of. Do that, and we can balance the budget without raising anyone's taxes, and without having to gut badly needed social programs.
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