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Old 04-14-2011, 10:00 AM   #7
sick of bluefish
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
I think there's a reason why the bi-partisan debt commission and many economists argue that both tax increases on the wealthy along with deep cuts are the best approach.

It's called common sense.

get your facts straight. the bi-partisan commission called for LOWER tax brackets across the board AND removing the major deductions FOR ALL. So revenues would increase overall. But it wasnt just the top earners bearing the ENTIRE burden

Obama IS NOT proposing that! He is RAISING THE tax on people over 250k and considering only eliminating the deductions for people over 250K. That part is not set in stone, but he acknowledged he is considering it.
That doubly screws people and as piscator said, screws familys and does nothing to address AMT, although I guess AMT wouldnt matter since there are no deductions. To put it simply - people making over 250k pay a flat tax, while the rest of the country gets to deduct. Insane.
Want to talk about common sense? Try and wordsmith your way around this Spence but facts are facts

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