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Old 04-15-2011, 07:30 AM   #1
Jim in CT
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Obama is a scumbag

I really can't stand this guy anymore. This is the guy that was suposed to rise above party politics, rise above racial tension, and unite us all?

What does he have to say about Republican Paul Ryan's plan to help balance the budget? Obama makes a speech where he claims that the GOP is hell-bent on attacking sick children and the elderly. Obama specifically said that Ryan wants to "pit children with Down's Syndrome against the billionaires of our society".

I can't fu@!%^g take this guy anymore. This is change? Obama represents a party that fights for the right for women to have Down's Syndrome babies butchered in the womb and then tossed into dumpsters, but it's the Republicans who don't care about kids with Down's?

Say whatever you want about Bush #43, he had more class in his ass hair than Obama has in his whole body. Bush obviously had political enemies, and he never, EVER demonized them like that. Bush gave Barbara Streisand, one of his most viscious critics, a Presidential Achievement Award, because he likes her music and doesn't care what she says about him.

But Obama? Paul Ryan (by all accounts a good guy even if you disagree with his politics) has the audacity to disagree with Obama, so Obama goes on national TV and claims that Ryan wants to murder children and old people. That's what Obama does to anyone who doesn't bow and kiss his ring. That's who we elected over a gargantuan hero.

I recently moved all of my IRA from stocks into cash, because I know exactly what's coming, I just don't know when. When it happens, I'm going to do 2 things. First, I'll move my cash back into stocks and make a killing when things recover. Second, I'm going to say "I told you so" to every single person I know that voted for this classless, petty, vindictive, hateful, spiteful, mean-spitited, spit-wad of a man.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 04-15-2011 at 07:35 AM..
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