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Old 04-15-2011, 08:04 AM   #3
Jim in CT
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These are challenging times, and we face challenging problems to solve. How do we do that when we can't have an honest debate?

The GOP puts forth a very speciffic, detailed proposal to balance the budget. Obama does not even try to discuss the specifics of Ryan's plan. All he does is say "Republicans don't care about sick kids or the elderly". And no one challenges Obama on that.

This is what liberals do, it's what they always do. Many of their positions are so absurd, they can't be debated honestly for 5 seconds. So instead of debating the merits of an issue, they demonize the opposition.

That's exactly what they did to Sarah Palin. Instead of articulating why Palin's ideas wouldn't be the best thing for the countrty, they called her a dumb hick. Meanwhile, Joe Biden fell asleep in the front row of Obama's budget speech Wednesday, and no one attacks him for that. Imagine if Palin had done that? I'm not saying I care that Biden fell asleep (maybe he was sick or up late, who knows), the point is, he gets a pass, but they would have crucified Palin or Dan Quayle for that.

In debates over union benefits, liberals say that conservatives "hate the middle class". That sounds great, but it's not true. I care about everyone in the middle class, and the fact is most middle-class folks work in the private sector and are therefore hurt by insane union benefits. But liberals know they don't want that brought to light or discussed openly, so they scream "you hate the middle class!!!"

The GOP needs to nominate someone like Gingrich who isn't afraid that Obama is black and will take the gloves off and expose the fact that the emperor has no clothes.
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