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Old 04-15-2011, 08:27 AM   #5
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Saltys View Post
I think the country is more fragmented now that it was 2 years ago. I think he's flip flopped on issues so much that people don't know the real issues anymore.

Don't matter what gets said at this point he'll be re-elected because of the amount of $$ he's pledged to throw at his campaign.
"I think the country is more fragmented now that it was 2 years ago."

Way more fragmented. Obama has been enormously polarizing.

"he'll be re-elected "

It depends on the economy. If the economy stays where it is now or improves, he probably gets re-elected (though I htink the GOP will re-take the Senate, as 22 Democrats are up for re-election, and only 11 Republicans, in 2012). If the economy does what I think it's going to do (collapse under the weight of all the debt), then the GOP could nominate #^&#^&#^&#^& Cheney and he would beat Obama in a landslide.

I just need Obama gone. I literally cannot stand the sight of him or the sound of his voice.
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