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Old 04-15-2011, 02:45 PM   #14
Jim in CT
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"Where in the speech did he demonize him directly?"

Gee, you're right, Obama never said "Paul Ryan is a demon".

Obama did say this, however...

"Some are middle-class families who have children with autism or Down's syndrome. Some of these kids with disabilities are — the disabilities are so severe that they require 24-hour care. These are the Americans we'd be telling to fend for themselves."

Please show me where in Paul Ryan's plan it says that disabled kids will have to fend for themselves. Either show us where it says that, or be enough of a man to admit that Obama lied.

"Overstatement of the year, easily."

You want to take the gloves off, fine. I don't believe one patry is right all the time. My opinions are based on a lifetime of common sense, a rational analysis of historical fact, and compassion for everyone else, my Catholicism, and my time in the Marines. As susch, I'm usually conservative. You, on the other hand, blindly support an agenda that says that Osama Bin Laden has more of a right to live than an unborn child. You go ahead and tell yourself that there is one iota of logic in that.

"Where is the billionaire vs down syndrome quote??? "

I saw it on TV, you're right, it's not in the speech, it must have been from another speech he gave. But we can focus on what he did say, which is that the GOP would have disabled kids fend for themselves. Once again, either show me where Ryan's plan eliminates all funding for kids with Down's or autism, or please admit that Obama is a liar.

"I think Kevin is saying..."

Wait a second. Just above, you ridiculed me for putting my own spin on Obama's words, but now it's OK for you to put your own spin on what Kevin said? What's good for the goose...

"I see DIRECT lines about the increased costs people would face "

Yes, cutting spending means increased costs for some. Where does it say disabled kids are totally cut off?

"If I had the time I wish I could search all the threads you post in and see if you ever don't take the abortion U-turn...."

You're right, I get all worked up about silly, trivial things like the slaughter of 4,000 babies a day. I need to learn to not be bothered by such insignificant events. And of course, you dodged the issue I raised completely. I claim that if Obama literally supports infanticide, he might not want to claim that he cares more about kids than the GOP. Instead of telling me why my assertion is invalid, you deride me for making it. That's OK, because when liberals dodge as completely as you just did, I know that I've won the argument.

"Welcome back to my ignore list."

I would rather be on that list, then on the list of men Scarlett Johansenn has been with.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 04-15-2011 at 03:05 PM..
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