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Old 04-16-2011, 11:46 AM   #5
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
"More than four in 10 Republicans... believe the president probably or definitely was not born in America."

Arizona lawmakers pass presidential 'birther' bill -

Wonder what those #'s are amongst the tea party affiliates.
Zimmy, I see you live in CT. I've lived here my whole life. CT is as blue as it gets. It has been 30 years since the Republicans controlled the legislature in this state. In other words, this state offers an almost-perfect observatory to see the effects of pure, unchecked liberalism at work.

What has that gotten us? Crippling tax rates, astronomical debt, a God-awful business climate, and big cities that are a disaster.

Am I wrong?

I'm a tea-party guy. i think that there are only 2 ways to get into the levels of debt that our state is in...eithyer the taxes are unreasonably low, or the spending is unreasonably high...which is it?

Zimmy, the Dems in CT recently announced a plan to build a 9.4 mile road from New Britain to Hartford. The cost is $570 million. $570 million to pave 9.4 miles of road and buy a few buses.

Zimmy, does that sound reasonable to you, especially in this economy? Half a billion so that drug-addicts from New Britain can take the bus to Hartford to get their crack?

When that's the alternative, the tea party agenda starts looking pretty rational to me.
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