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Old 04-16-2011, 08:44 PM   #20
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
I think you kinda show in your own post there that your "spouting off " statement is a bit... unfair considering I said I didn't know enough about the road to comment. You may not agree with what I say, but I tend to pay an enormous amount of attention to issues I am interested in and typically won't comment unless I have a well developed opinion. The only reason I got involved in this forum against my best judgment is that I kept noticing crap get posted as if it were based on facts, when it too often was not.

Anyway, I am still reading up on the bi-way, but here is some of what I have found. I don't have an opinion yet.
"The DOT estimates the project will cost $567 million, with the federal funds covering 80 percent of that.

"The project already has some state funding committed, but would need another $22 million in state bonding, according to the DOT.

Connecticut has already spent $60 million on the busway, including about $48 million in federal funds. Marie warned last year that the state might have to repay the federal money if it scraps the busway."

"The DOT projects that 15,000 people a day will use the busway, alleviating some of the rush-hour congestion on I-84 between West Hartford and Hartford."
Zimmy, the DOT can project whatever they want. 15,000 people a day are not going to ride a bus. Do you think some lawyer of insurance executive in West Hartford is going to stand in the rain waiting for a bus, to ride to work with people from New Britain?
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