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Old 04-18-2011, 07:17 AM   #36
Jim in CT
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"Fossil fuels are a 1-time use. So we should just use it all up as quickly as we can? "

Not as "quickly" as we can, but as "best" we can. Furthermore, the revenue we collect from selling it is not a one-time event, it can be recycled through the system again and again. When you buy something at a store, do you think the store manager burns the money you give him? No, wealth gets created, wealth that was not there before. Contrary to what liberals believe, wealth is good.

Better to use up that oil, than to let it sit there gathering dust. The fact is, the world is buying jillions of gallons of oil. Today, much of that money goes to Middle Eastern countries, who use that money to train terroists and brutalize women and gays (which I would think liberals would have a problem with). I'd rather keep that money here. I don't see how any rational person could disagree with that, I just don't.

"Jim, are you really advocating for state run oil? you lament the gov's ability to run anything, period, and want to put them in charge of this?"

I said "I don't know". I am a free-market capitalist, when I believe the system allows for that. The oil industry does not represent, to me, a free market capitalist environment. There are limited players in the game, with enormous barriers to entry. There's nothing to stop them from price-gouging, because we can't do without that oil. So I think we need more regulation.

Oil is not the same as, say, hamburgers. If Burger King and McDonalds raise prices unreasonably, I can very easily eat Subway grinders instead...thus the free market works just fine. Oil is different by nature. We can't live without it, it's a legitimate national security issue (maybe you have heard of the troubles our planet has endured in the Middle East over the years)...

Furthermore, since the oil we have belongs to the citizens of our country (rather than some private entity), you could make a case that we all deserve a share of any revenue.

"You are the only far-right socialist I know."

No, I'm not. Even the most staunch libertarian recognizes that in certain scenarios, the feds have to play a role. I also know how to think for myself. I don't blindly regurgitate the talking points of any one party. I know how to think rationally and solve problems. And my conclusion is...Americans are going to spend a lot of money on oil before alternative fuels are available. We can continue to buy that oil elsewhere, which impoverishes us and enslaves us to sociopaths in the Middle East and that kook in Venezuela. Or we can refine it ourselves, and give our economy a major boost, and maybe use that money to help some people who really need it. I like the latter alternative, it pleases both my capitalism agenda and my Catholic agenda.

What's the harm in at least doing some studies to see how much oil we really have, and what it would take to get at it...

My own paty? I'll call it the "common sense with compassion" party. I've always said that will be my slogan. I'd rather give my money to an American company than to a middle eastern thug. I guess you disagree. I respect that, but I sure don't get it...

Last edited by Jim in CT; 04-18-2011 at 08:23 AM..
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