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Old 06-16-2003, 09:09 AM   #2
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Thumbs down my father took us fishing once (DISASTER)

One day long ago, my dad (a Banker) and not very skilled as a fisherman decided he'd take two of his SIX son's fishing and my brother jim and i were never so happy to go.Dad decided to make it impossible for us not to catch fish and had a "stocked pay to go fishing for trout pond" all picked out. Well we were up at the crack of dawn all happy and headed for some where out in Western Massachusetts where we stopped at a pancake breakfast restaurant that opened up real early. DAD ordered blueberry pancakes for us both and "insisted" we not waste the HUGE tub of butter that came with the BIG stack of flapjacks. 20 minutes after leaving breakfast my brother JIM started to feel ill from all that butter and said:"DAD! Pull over QUICK!", He did, BUT right in front of a Man's house who had the most imaculate Lawn and yard i have ever seen. Jim started hurling his pancakes all over the lawn right in front of the homeowner who was standing there totally pissed off at the audacity and insult of us stopping in front of "his" house.
He started running towards the car yelling and screaming waving his rake at us " EXTREMELY ANGRY" when the SOUND of my poor brother getting sick made me do the same , so then-> i open the back door and began hurling my pancakes too....this made the OUTRAGED home owner go completely INSANE and he started SWEARING at my dad who of course decided to step on the gas and floor it-> to get the heck outta there with my car door still open just when all my pancakes came back up leaving a ten foot long puke trail all over this guy's most beautiful perfect lawn!
Well needless to say, we never WENT fishing that day and came home all bummed out , SICK and then-> Mom yelled at DAD too! ............TRUE story !
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