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Old 04-29-2011, 02:42 PM   #37
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
Nope, not so bad. I think we can make serious improvements in the efficiency of alot of program. The tea party seems to want to abolish programs they don't like because of ideology more than budget reasons I also believe if the one side will not budge on the tax issue for the top percent, then they aren't serious about reducing the deficit.

On the epa: Obama wanted to lower the epa budget by 3 million. Republicans by 3 billion. The tea party seems to want to disband it. Same with department of ed.

The department of energy budget is lower now than in 1984, when adjusted for inflation.
"The tea party seems to want to abolish programs they don't like because of ideology more than budget reasons "

You can believe that, and you probably do believe that. But you would be absolutely 100% wrong. We want to eliminate superfluous, inefficient waste BEFORE we raise taxes on anybody.

"if the one side will not budge on the tax issue for the top percent, then they aren't serious about reducing the deficit. "

I'll budge on tax increases, AFTER (read: not before) every single cent of waste has been eliminated. If we eliminate all reasonable waste, and we still have a deficit, then let's talk about tax hikes.

Obama doesn't see the need to reduce spending by any significant amount. He only concedes to that out of political necessity, but his instinct is to increase spending. You have to really be out to lunch to see no danger in increasing the deficits at this point, don't you?
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