Thread: OBL(UBL) Killed
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Old 05-02-2011, 12:28 PM   #30
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
But I read that JimCt said that Bush s/b praised for keeping us safe after 9/11. So if you like the pres. you give credit for something that happens during his term but if you don't like him, no kudos?
Paul, if you read my posts before criticizing me, you'd see that I posted this...

"Not easy for me to admit, but Obama deserves some kudos here."

If I say it again, will you be able to recognize that I said it? I give Obama credit for always tightening th enoose around Bin Laden, and for being aggressive with predator drone attacks. I may be an S.O.B., but I'm extremely rational and fair.

Zimmy, someone else posted that BUsh declared "Mission Accomplished" in a speech. I pointed out the irrefutable fact that Bush said no such thing during the speech in question. You "responded" by posting a picture of the banner, and by posting quotes attributed to people other than Bush.

For the third time...huge mistakes were made in planning the Iraq strategy, and it's completely fair to criticize Bush for that. It is NOT FAIR to imply that he said "mission accomplished" during that speech, and anyone who claims he said that is lying. The banner was put up to help one ship celebrate the fact that their mission was accomplished. Liberals twist that to attack Bush. I don't like that, I presume you are OK with it...
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