Thread: OBL(UBL) Killed
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Old 05-02-2011, 12:36 PM   #32
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
Jim, Why do you bring this crap up if you don't want people to respond? This wasn't an issue of liberals distorting it, as you claim (like in most things you say). The white house had the banner made, even if the Navy asked for it. Bush was commander in chief. Revolting liars? You have a distorted sense of reality. You are right though, he didn't say mission accomplished, but he did let pictures of him standing in front of it get printed everywhere. He did say we have moved from major combat to stability and re-building. Bush also said "In the battle of Afghanistan, we destroyed the Taliban..." He was wrong on those accounts. The irony of today and it's juxtaposition to the Bush speech is notable, whether you want to believe it is liberal liars distorting it. Salty bugger certainly isn't very liberal.

"NEIL CAVUTO (host): Senator -- after a conflict means after the conflict, and many argue the conflict isn't over.

McCAIN: Well, then why was there a banner that said mission accomplished on the aircraft carrier?

Look, the -- I have said a long time that reconstruction of Iraq would be a long, long, difficult process, but the conflict -- the major conflict is over, the regime change has been accomplished, and it's very appropriate."

"This wasn't an issue of liberals distorting it, as you claim"

Bush never said "mission accomplished" during that one speech. He did, however, claim that there was a lot of hard work left to do in Iraq. Please just read the speech.

"The white house had the banner made, even if the Navy asked for it"

If what you say is true, so what? The banner was designed to help those kids celebrate their accomplishments. If liberals want to distort the intent of the banner, that's the fault of the White House?

Maybe Bush should have demonized everyone who claimed he said "mission accomplished", just like Obama likes to demonize the birthers. I mean, what's the difference? Obama provided his birth certificate, so you can't rationally claim he wasn't born here. And as for Bush, you can download the text of his speech, not only does he not say mission accomplished, he says we have a lot of work left to do. So how can you rationally claim he said "mission accomplished"?

"You have a distorted sense of reality. You are right though, he didn't say mission accomplished"

So, in the same sentence, you say (1) my view of reality is distorted, and that (2) I have my facts straight. So which is it?
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