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Old 05-11-2011, 07:13 PM   #1
Jim in CT
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Obams honor raper who glorifies cop killers

So the Obama are having a gathering of "poets" to the White House, and one of the invited "poets" is some thug rapper named Common. This guy, Common, likes to rap about the glory of killing cops, and his raps have included support for not one, but two convicted cop killers, including my favorite, Abu Mumia Jamal in Philadelphia. "Common" supports these 2 cop killers, and he is an honored, invited guest at the White House.

I reiterate...Obama is a scumbag. You do not honor people who honor cop killers. This is no different than Bush honoring someone who glorified James Earl Ray, and if Bush had done that, I bet the media would have asked him some tough questions.

I cannot stand the sight of Obama, I despise everything the man stands for, the sight of him makes me sick to my stomach.
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