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Old 05-11-2011, 09:15 PM   #4
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by basswipe View Post
Rapper who glorified NJ trooper killer invited to White House | |

She did it,she killed that trooper but because she is black and a member of a black militant group and the trooper was white it must've been a setup.Reverse those roles and make it a white person killing a black cop and lets see if whitey the entertainer gets an invite to the Whitehouse.

Can't wait to hear from our resident Obama worshippers in their support for their hero and defend this woman.

Its sickening that our president and his wife support this so called "musician".

Btw I wonder what Reginald Denny thinks about this!
Same exact thing with the other cop-killer, a white-hating racist named Abu Mumia Jamal, who became a celebrity for killing a white Philly cop named Danny Faulkner. "Common" praises Abu Mumia Jamal as well...

This is pure lunacy, and it's absolutely indefensible...if Obama had any decency(and he does not), he would be honoring cops who died serving their communities, instead of honoring those who glorify cop-killers. I don't know why I'm suprised, Obama is the guy who admitted he had no idea what happened, but still said "it's fair to say the Cambridge police acted stupidly". I wonder what Spence will come up with...
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