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Old 05-13-2011, 07:56 PM   #8
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Some of you need to retake sophomore English Maybe you really never read the lsongs yrics?

There is no debate, whether you think he is correct or not, that he believes she was wrongly convicted and mistreated. There is absolutely nothing in the song that in any way, symbolically or specifically glorifies or justifies killing cops. You would have to be retarded to make that conclusion.

People protest what they believe to be wrongful conviction all the time. Convictions are turned over all the time. Some rappers do glorify killing cops. I never heard of this guy before, but only a moron could conclude that the song glorifies killing cops, as opposed to it's protest of what the guy believes was wrongful conviction. What a bunch of moronic garbage.

"Assata had been convicted of a murder she couldna done
Medical evidence shown she couldna shot the gun
It's time for her to see the sun from the other side
Time for her daughter to be by her mother's side"

No, no, no. we’re 30… 30, three zero.
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