Thread: obamacare
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Old 06-08-2011, 11:02 AM   #7
sick of bluefish
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Now that we know you believe in your self, I'm gonna guess you could care less about anyone else.

really? My tax bill and my charitable donations and town/public service would beg to differ.

- To your question - B/C I don't want to live in the idilic word that repubs. seem to want to live in - you know one with minimal taxes, minimal govern, minimal regulations/laws that kill jobs, minimal social services, minimal aid to higher education (you must have gone to private school all your life and never had to use a service provided by the govern) , - you know like Pakistan or Somalia. I guess my vision for this country is different that the repubs - prob. why I left the party.

You dont state how giving people money helps them in the long run? Has it ever Paul? Why do the cities and states that have been primarily Dem are all in the crapper? How as govt spending helped at all? Please, i want to see proof? All I have ever seen help this country is entruprenurship (cant spell it). And yes, I actually did go to private schools my whole life, my blue collar parents sent me and my sister. Both w/o degrees, busted their butts to send their kids to good schools, we still vacationed, saved $ and they both retired early. How did they do it? HARD WORK AND SACRFICE. Funny how that works.

2/3 of proposed repub. cuts would hurt the low and moderate income families - very telling. I guess for the richest 1% , having a larger net worth than the bottom 90% isn't enough.
its not telling, its common sense - only the low and moderate DEPEND on govt spending. Maybe it wouldnt hurt, maybe people would save more, sacrifice and work harder? Maybe it would make people proud to buy american, maybe lead to new ideas?
Once you again you and others mix up having with EARNING. If people have 90% of the income, its because THEY EARNED IT. They already pay SHAT loads of taxes.

and PS - Im not a repub.

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