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Old 06-09-2011, 03:11 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Swimmer View Post
We used to get calls of flowers taken from one grave site and the family would find the flowers at the other end of the cemetary on another stone.

People are stooping lower and lower, thieves have no mojo.
Here's another cemetary scenario:

Person puts a potted plant at grave site, doesn't come back to water or care for said potted plant, and plant dies from lack of water.
I had an uncle who would take home wilting/dying plants from his local cemetary and plant them around his yard.

He had quite an array of flowers year after year.

I can't quite understand someone getting upset if someone else "rescues" their potted plant from certain death if they found it dying in the pot? My person theory is that if you spent that much money on a plant only to let it go to waste, why are you complaining?
I tend to 5 different headstone gardens during the year. I weed, feed, plant and replant them during the growing season.
I see more and more people planting live plants and flowers instead of just dropping off a potted plant. Oh, there are still plenty of the "stop, drop and roll" crowd, but I see more of the planting type each year.

I have rescued a couple of plants myself, but mostly by actually planting them where they were left. I wonder what the family will think when they see the plant flowering all season long?
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