Thread: Spot lights...
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Old 07-08-2011, 11:40 AM   #1
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Spot lights...

for the record.. i do own one... I've used it twice in the last 10 years.... once to illuminate a jetty that was partialy submerged in an astronomicaly high tide...the other time to burn out the eyeballs of an unthinking boater that had done like wise to me...

Last night.. I was wire line trolling a well known river mouth with a friend, the moon shone brillantly.. iluminating land marks, jetties and nav aids at the time of the "crime".. .. along comes Mr happy with his spot light... hitting the jetty.. cans and just about everything else.. they even used it to set the lines as they drifted... OK, they were in unfamilure territory... I get it....after a minmum of about 3 minutes, they must have gotten board as they commenced to lighting up the world again.. I said to my partner..."if they hit me with that beam, I'm going to go ballistic" well, we hook up.. the activity in the boat was more than they could bear... they hit us with the beam taking away all my night vision...( now I can no longer see the can that I am about to drift by or white water on the edge of the bar I'm trolling along... I lost it( I would have burned his eyes out of thier sockets if I could have seen well enough to find my spot light)... I berated him, his mother and anyone else I could think tyraid concluded with " if you are that uncomfortable here.. park the boat and go flounder fishing when it gets light...I guess he got the message.. or maybe he figured i was one breath away from comitting harry -carry on his craft.. he left... never to be seen again...stupid is as stupid does.. but when people put my life injeapordy i draw the line... rant over.. I feel better now..

A good run is better than a bad stand!
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