Thread: GOP Debate
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Old 08-12-2011, 08:23 AM   #11
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by justplugit View Post
First impressions:
Newht- sharpest tack in the room, would kill Obama in any debate.

Gingrich is a genius, with actual ideas that address actual problems, and he can explain why his solution has worked in the past, and why the liberal alternative has always been a disaster.

I would pay anything to see Gingrich debate Obama. Anything. It would be an absolute bloodbath. Because not only is Gingrich smarter than Obama, he's not afraid to take off the gloves.

Sadly, while I believe Gingrich would do the best job, he has very little chance to win the primary, and less of a chance in the general election...too much historical baggage. Which is too bad, because IMHO, he is exactly what we need.

In 2008, I was the first person to predict that Palin would be the VP choice. For the last year, I have been saying that Marco Rubio would be the VP choice for 2012, if he was elected US Senator from FL, which he was. Rubio is the most important Republican in the country right now...he gives the GOP a shot at Florida (which will be a key state in 2012), he gives them Catholics, he placates the tea party (very important to get them energized), and MOST IMPORTANT, he gives them a shot at the Hispanic vote (Rubio is Cuban-American). He is the GOP's ticket for the next decade.

If Hispanics start voting for the GOP, you watch how fast liberals change their tune on immigration. In the next nanosecond, liberals will build a one-way, high-speed train to the Mexican border, and stick anyone with brown skin on that train...
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