Thread: GOP Debate
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Old 08-12-2011, 10:39 AM   #15
Jim in CT
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Spence, on Monday when the market was tanking, Obama gave a speech where he basically said "we're Americans, and now that I am your leader, we can get through this". After his speech, the DOW dropped another 400 points. If Gingrich gave that speech, he would have outlined a specific plan to get us out of this (with SPECIFIC DETAILS), and the market would have gone up 500 points. Obama's life experience has been academic, theoretical discussions. Gingrich spends his time figuring out specifically, what solutions work, and which do not.

"Perhaps that's why Jim thinks... "liberal alternatives always been a disaster."

Spence, want to know why I think liberalism has been a disaster? Look at the economic state of every place that has embraced liberalism...Massachusetts, Connecticut, California, Illinois, Europe...Come down to CT, and drive around the liberal Utopias of Hartford and Bridgeport, see just how well liberal policies are faring...

The red states are adding jobs. The blue states are bleeding jobs and will soon face bankruptcy.

When I say liberalism is a disaster, I DO NOT say that because that's what I'm rooting for. I say that because when you look at the current (or historical) economic landscape with an open mind, there simply is no other conclusion.


If Sean Penn said that 2 plus 2 equals 12, you'd believe it. There's simply no talking to you people, because you do not respond to fact, only to ideology...
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