Thread: GOP Debate
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Old 08-12-2011, 07:55 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Rob Rockcrawler View Post
College hoops maybe.

All kidding aside. And im not ashamed to say that i lean to the left in most instances. But Paulenti (sp) and his comments about abortion are scary. Saying that not even in cases of rape should it be allowed. I know that during these type of debates its all about rah rah for your party but damn dude. Do you seriously think that having such a hard line on that subject will go over in a national election? Not a straw pole with a bunch of cow tippers. If Bachman made a statement like that i would at least respect her a bit since she has a VAGINA.

And who needs the EPA. I love my mercury and PCB's they never hurt anyone. I am always looking at more ways to add just a little more smog on those hot as a bastard days when they issue health warnings to the old and people with breathing problems. But hey, if it makes corporations more profitable it must be a good idea. Lower their taxes, relax environmental protections, maybe we can have air like beijing.

On the environment, and im just thinking on fisherman's terms. Lets take away regulations on pesticides so farms can be more profitable. The runoff heads to the Chesapeake and screws up the water more than it is now. Even lower spawning success of our beloved stripers. That would equal more time on S-B in the political forum, a place a rarely visit.
Rob no need to be ashamed of leaning left, everyone is entitled
to their opinion based on what is important to them.
Most important thing in the end is what's best for America and our
way of life. Extremes on either side are not good for the country,imho.

Like Slip said in the other tread what we need now is a Great Leader.
I don't see one anywhere on either side, but who knows.

Rob, you still making plugs? I remember you showing me your first
and it was a beaut.

" Choose Life "
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