Thread: Bachman?
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Old 08-14-2011, 07:45 AM   #14
Jim in CT
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Some weird candidates have won in Iowa before, it means very little...Bachman's campaign will fizzle. It'ss be either Romney or Perry, with Marco Rubio as the VP. Unless the economy improves substantially, and I cannot see that happening, Obama is DONE. Good riddance...

The fact is, we are a center-right country. We elected a Maoist in a wave of fear when the economy tanked in 2008 (people forget that McCain/Palin were way ahead in the polls until the market crashed). The independents took a chance on Obama, and they are seeing the folly of their ways.

This emperor truly has no clothes. He's an empty suit who got where he is by fear mongering and race-baiting.
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