Thread: so juvenille
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Old 08-17-2011, 07:24 AM   #14
Jim in CT
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Obama is an absolute joke who cannot even do a rope-line without making a horse's azz of himself. Presidents get heckled all the time, ansd every single one of them simply smiles and moves on...but not Obama. He follows this guy right down the rabbit hole, and not only that, the guy clobbers Obama during the exchange.

Everything Obama touches, EVERYTHING HE TOUCHES, turns to vomit. He cannot even get one right by accident, he is unbelievable. He simply cannot stand the fact that not everyone out there feels obligated to bow down and kiss his ring. He's an unbelievable thin-skinned baby who cannot take any little criticism.

Did we really elect this inexperienced, incompetent Bolshevik to be President? Really? Seriously?
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