Thread: so juvenille
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Old 08-20-2011, 10:14 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
What?!! Did Bush or Cheney Blame the previous administration for the recession? They claimed, correctly, that the economy was already in recession when they were inaugurated in January (and were not able to take office till several months later due to Gore's challenge), but they did not place the blame on Clinton. THAT'S the "big difference." Obama doesn't just say he "inherited" his recession, which is implying more than simply saying the economy was already in recession when he was inaugurated. Not only does it "imply" that the previous administration was responsible, he has said over, and over again, that the Bush administration was responsible.
The context for my response was an assertion by RIJIMMY that Bush never blamed anyone else for his problems. From terrorism to the recession he certainly did place the root of the problem on the shoulders of others quite frequently.

As for Obama claiming it was republican policies that caused the 2008 recession...what I've Obama most commonly talking about the issues he's "inherited". He certainly has blamed Bush policy (tax cuts, deregulation, war spending etc...) at times...and on paper these all were major factors in the reversal from a surplus to a deficit. So it's a bit of rhetoric for sure, but not entirely untrue.

And the left was far less effective in placing the blame on Bush? Come on already, Spence! They successfully and continuously pounded him for growing the deficit and evaporating the so-called (but fictitious) budget surplus. The only reason he was re-elected was the sap he ran against. The left has successfuly hammered him on the "Bush War," on "tax cuts for the rich," on his inability to speak well and lack of "gravitas," and many etceteras. Obama basically ran against the image of Bush that the left had painted. And O is still running against Bush--still blaming him for the mess he "inherited."
On Bush turning the surplus into a deficit - this message held well with the left, but I think most people factor in the short duration, terrorist attacks and corporate scandals and Bush isn't in the hot seat with the majority. It's certainly hasn't had a lasting effect.

On the Bush war - yes, he's been pounded on this but the majority of the country believes they were "marketed" into Iraq. While I have no doubt Bush personally thought he was doing the right thing...I do think his lumps are well deserved here.

The big difference is the lengths the Right has gone to frame the entire economic situation (recession and deficits) around liberals and spending which has been very effective. People here post stories about Obama's 2009 1.6 trillion dollar stimulus package and they don't even notice what's going on.

I don't think the left has a marketing engine that's 1/2 as effective.

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