Thread: Road Signs
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Old 08-21-2011, 01:59 PM   #5
time to go
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 2,318
Makes perfect sense to me. It is the drivers who won't move over that cause the traffic. I have been trying to think of a sticker to make up to address the morons who cause the traffic.
If there is room in front of you and cars stacked up behind you then you are causing the traffic, at any speed. I see it all the time.

Why do we find ourselves coming to a stop on the highway? There are no stop signs, no stop lights and no accidents, yet we have bumper to bumper traffic. It's the morons who don't want to hit their brakes at all and hang back from the car in front of them making others attempt to go around which causes others to alter their speed which creates a domino affect leading to cars being at a stop a short distance back.
How many times have you seen a small backup start because someone won't move over and yet won't do the speed limit because they are anticipating having to hit the brakes? It doesn't take many cars to create the backup either. Watch the next time you start to get out of the back up and you will see MORONS still doing ridiculously slow speed anticipating they might have to alter their speed or course. You manage to get by the MORON doing 50 in a 65 and you can now do 80 if you want , but no! The Moron feels they own the highway and you can just go around.

I had to go to Bar Harbor twice in the last 2 months and found myself behind A-HOLE, MORONS who felt they owned the passing lane. When I could finally get by them I would put my arm out the window and point at the "KEEP RIGHT EXCEPT TO PASS" signs. Yeah I have road rage, but I move over when there is someone who wants to get by no matter how fast I'm going, why cause them or myself the aggravation. Move over let the person by and no one is upset, you aren't mad at the tailgater and they aren't mad at you for blocking them, and they are gone. But no, they say to themselves "F-ck the guy in the rearview mirror who is tailgating me" why because I am an A-hole who has my head up my arse.
MOVE over and let them go by...everyone one is happy or are you an A-hole?
I've got to get me a cross bow

There ought to be a $1000 dollar fine for not letting people go by. If an unmarked cop car is behind a speeding vehicle and they refuse to get over when they can there should be a $1000 fine added to the speeding ticket for being an A-HOLE/MORON.

LET the person go by and no body is getting hurt, it's not a F-cking race you can let someone pass you........MORONS!
One of the benefits of having a cut tendon on my right hand that connects to my middle finger!
I may come off as a jerk, but I'm just very opinionated and not smart enough to bite my lip ; but when you want to get by me, take notice how quickly I get out of your way (I don't need the hassle).

I need to go fishing so I will calm down, sorry for the rant.

Last edited by ecduzitgood; 08-21-2011 at 03:19 PM.. Reason: My road rage won't let it go :( !
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