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Old 08-24-2011, 11:54 AM   #18
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND View Post
He followed it in the same speech with a line about how while not second guessing it (as you point out) he views it as unsustainable b/c you end up w/ one wage earner potentially caring for 4 people...

You read it one way, I read it another.... kick him out of the church, while you're at it, kick my wife out, kick the rest like her out and you'll end up with a church full of gray haired people with less and less standing with you.....

I view it as Biden tredding very carefully with China. You hear "Liberals kill babies"
He questioned the economic sustainability of the policy (which is valid). He bent over backwards not to appear to question the morality of it. In my opinion, that's cowardly. And since he appears to have more of dislike fr tea partiers than for forced sterilization of women, I question his intelligence, ethics, and sanity.

"kick my wife out"

If she supports the violation of the "binding beliefs", then she's not Catholic.

"you'll end up with a church full of gray haired people with less and less standing with you....."

Catholicism ain't for everyone, that's for sure. I don't undrestand why people wnat to go to Catholic church, yet support abortion. Politicians do it because they want the largest possible voting base, but I have no idea why ordinary folk do it. To me, that's the same as someone who wants to belong to the NAACP and the KKK. You can't have it both ways.
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