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Old 08-24-2011, 01:18 PM   #15
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by JohnnyD View Post
The above is just another way of affirming my point. Catholics selectively follow the teachings of the Bible that best suit them. How many "devout" Catholics do you know that have committed adultery? I know quite a few. I also know a huge number that are divorced

"Remember the sabbath day, and keep it holy. " Less than 50% of "Catholics" go to church regularly.

Catholics are the epitome of the hypocritical slogan "do as I say, not as I do."

While we're discussing religion, you of all people should know that "pride" is the most serious of sins, even though you tend to try to present yourself as more intelligent than others while looking down upon the lowly liberal and calling for their destruction.
Johnny D -

"Catholics selectively follow the teachings of the Bible that best suit them. "

If you knew a bit more about the faith, you'd know that we follow the teachings that theologians believed were intended by Christ for us to follow. I guess I can't disgaree when you say we're "selective", but there's nothing sinister about which teachings we consider to be binding, and which we do not.

"How many "devout" Catholics do you know that have committed adultery?"

More than zero. But if the adulterer admits his sin and is truly sorry, he/she is forgiven. I don't know any "devout" Catholics who think that adultery is acceptable behavior for a Catholic. THAT'S what makes politicians like Biden and Pelosi so disgusting. They go on TV every day and support abortion. That's different from having an abortion, but then being repentent. Christ was the last perfect Catholic Johnny. Since him, we have all been flawed. We aren't expected to be perfect.

Catholicism sets out the rules. We all break them, to some extent, from time to time. I have missed Church, of course. But I know that I shouldn't miss, and confess my sin when I do. I don't deny that I'm supposed to go to Church. If I denied that I need to go to church, THAT would place my beliefs outside of what is allowable to a Catholic.

""Catholics are the epitome of the hypocritical slogan "do as I say, not as I do."

Who isn't guilty of that hypocrisy? I have driven my car while drunk. When my kids are 16, i will forbid them to do the same.
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