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Old 08-25-2011, 11:38 AM   #36
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by JohnnyD View Post
While I do find you of all people calling someone an idiot amusing, I'll admit when I'm wrong - shouldn't have assumed parishes closing meant membership was down. Doing some digging: "The Roman Catholic Church continues to see its membership increase in the U.S., while most Protestant churches are shrinking, according to an annual report by the National Council of Churches."
Catholic church growing, Baptist and mainline Protestant numbers decline | Believe It or Not | a blog

I guess the whole diddling little kids thing must be the reason for the financial issues then.
Johnny, the goal of the Catholic church in this country is not to maximize membership at the expense of our beliefs.

There are plenty of religions out there that change with the times, in order to attract as many people as they can on that given Sunday. Catholics have taken a different approach. If our numbers drop, fine. Better to have a small number of genuine Catholics than a large congregation that believes in nothing.

If you don't know anyone who goes to mass, I believe you. Somehow, the catholic church will try to soldier on without you and your circle...

"I guess the whole diddling little kids thing must be the reason for the financial issues then"

That statement says a lot more baout you than it does about my church...
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