Thread: The PLAN
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Old 09-01-2011, 10:03 AM   #14
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
I hope he announces a massive investment in Green Jobs

Solyndra to Declare Bankruptcy
President Obama touted the facility only a year ago
This is a great post!!

In May 2011, Obama touted this company as one of the brilliant firms that would lead the way to green jobs, and just in May, Obama gave them a $500 million loan. 3 months later, and they are bankrupt. How did they burn through that $500 million in 3 months, did they have a bonfire? I hope they used solar panels to start the fire, and not fossil fuel...

And yet another example that everything Obama touches, EVERYTHING HE TOUCHES, turns to vomit. He can't get one right by accident, I have never seen his level of incompetence anywhere, ever. If Josef Stalin and Barney Fife conceived a child, it would be Obama.

God get me through one more more year...

I swear liberals believe that green energy is available, it's just that no one wants to pursue it. The fact is, no one can make it work, not in a cost-effective way. No one wants to pay $45,000 for a car that you have to re-charge before you get to the end of your driveway. No one can afford $35,000 for solar panels on their house.

I want to get off fossil fuels. But the fact is, we're nowhere near achieving it. The first person to achieve it will become a trillionaire, and that's all the incentive anyone needs. We will be using oil for a long, long time.
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