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Old 10-09-2011, 05:58 PM   #6
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
MSNBC has some good hosts, O'Donnell isn't one of them. His interview with Cain was pretty lame, but nothing different than I've seen Hannity do many times.

He's just doing this stuff to rile up the Right wing media anyway, looks like it worked.
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Spence -

(1) Who is a good host at MSNBC? Al Sharpton? Ed Schultz? The half-beast Rachael Maddow?

(2) Please tell me when Sean Hannity decided that he was the authority on what "real" blacks should do.

"He's just doing this stuff to rile up the Right wing media anyway, "

Oh, I didn't know that the hatemongers at MSNBC let you know what their intentions are. MSNBC doesn't rile up the right-wing media, because MSNBC isn't significant enough to be on the right wing media's radar screen. So almost no one knows what O'Donnell said, because almost no one was watching.

If the liberals, like you, won't condemn O'Donnell, then don't tell me you care more about the welfare of blacks than I do. What O'Donnell did was repugnant, and not a peep of protest from the NAACP, they are still too busy glorifying the murderer Troy Davis, who was executed in accordance with duly constituted laws. An obviously guilty murderer like Troy Davis gets more support from liberal idiots (sorry for the redundancy of that phrase) than a guy like Herman Cain, who struggled to get out of segregated Atlanta to be a huge success. His success is not celebrated, it CAN NOT be celebrated, by liberal azzholes, because only liberal blacks are "real" blacks. Conservative blacks, on the other hand, are treated like Uncle Tom plantation darkies by your liberal ilk. Just look at how nice and tolerant your liberal bretheren were to Clarence Thomas.

Liberals have no shame, and their hypocrisy knows no bounds. Your anti-poverty programs aimed at blacks have done exactly nothing to reduce black poverty, all you have done is (1) made an entire race addicted to welfare, and (2) totally eradicated the black nuclear family.

Kudos to the liberals! You have re-enslaved the black race, this time chaining them to the shackles of welfare addiction, and thus you have removed any and all economic upward mobility for that race.

The amazing thing is that while liberals call Tea Partiers racist, the tea party doctrine is EXACTLY, I mean EXACTLY, what impoverished blacks need to embrace to lift themselves up.

Conservatives want blacks to have the same opportunities for economic success that whites enj0y. The last thing liberals want is for blacks to become wealthy and independent, because if they did, blacks would vote Republican.
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