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Old 10-11-2011, 07:52 AM   #11
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by RIROCKHOUND View Post
Glen Beck...?

Who is good there?
Mathews, Scarborough for starters.

I find O'Donnell a little extreme for me. He's basically Oblemerman v.2.0. You might not like Ed Schultz or Dylan Ratigan (who I know had an epic rant that went viral a few years ago) but I find their respective causes, especially Rattigan's push to get money out of politics a pretty good take.

The Few times I have seen maddow I found her boring.

You don't have to agree with someone to think they are a good TV host. I think O'Riely conducts a prety good interview. Brit Hume is another good one, even if I don't agree with them. I can't stand the bubble heads in the morning or Hannity in the evening.

Chris Matthews? The guy who said he gets a tingle up his leg when Obama speaks? The guy who says that opposition to Obama is based on raccism?

Yes, Fox has its share of simple-minded ideologues like Hannity. But MSNBC's entire prime-time lineup looks like a bunch of guys who just escaped from a mental hospital.
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