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Old 10-14-2011, 07:28 AM   #16
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
In your opinion...
I would argue your statement about Obama getting where he is because people got out of his way because he as black shows quite the opposite.
Zimmy, instead of telling me I'm stupid, HOW ABOUT TRYING TO SUPPORT WHAT YOU SAY WITH SOME FACTS.

I say Obama got where he is because he's black. He started in the IL state senate, where he set records for voting "present", because he didn't have the courage to stick his neck out. He spent 2 undistinguished years in the US Senate, where he did absolutely nothing of any consequence. That makes him qualified to be president?

Telling me I'm stupid is pretty easy. Trying to show that I'm wrong is a lot harder, when you're dealing with someone who values common sense, logic, compassion, and truth.

Good luck.
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